Hello there! Just a small heads-up on some new features on the website. In short : more bling and comments section. More details inside and stuff.

I recently added a few things : an icon (which will be added along with additional visual upgrades in OpenBST 1.2) that I can use without having to quote icons8 all the time. Their icons are great, I’m not saying the opposite, but I don’t have the money required to buy a license and thus have to keep the unmodified icons and quote them all the time. Which is annoying.

Second thing is the comments section, powered by Disqus! The theme I ruined while making this site use supported Disqus from the start but I remade that part (with literally just a copy paste from Disqus’ embedding code). So you can now comment stuff. Yay!

Third thing : just more colors on the front page.

Also, there is a link to the RSS feed at the bottom of this page. Feel free to use it if you’re one of the RSS lovers out there.

Have a good day, and, as a small reminder, go to r/BSTLang subreddit to get help!

PS : So far, what’s planned for OpenBST 1.2 is only visual updates. Feel free to leave a comment if there is a thing you want to see added, and I’ll see what I can do :)